The Science of Motivation

Behind every successful project is a highly motivated team.

Motivation gives us the passion we need to drive innovation, keeps us resilient in the face of setbacks, and is a key indicator of job satisfaction.

Study after study demonstrates the connection between motivation, engagement, profitability, and success. Research from Gallup on how employee engagement drives growth shows that companies with a highly engaged workforce are 21% more profitable and 17% more productive than those with disengaged staff. Engaged employees outperform their peers because they tend to be more innovative, efficient, and have higher customer retention rates.

But motivation is not a simple switch you turn off and on. It takes a delicate balance of intrinsic factors (a sense of personal interest or investment in the task at hand) and extrinsic factors (external rewards or consequences) to keep us feeling excited about our work. Motivation is all in our heads.

The good news is there is a science behind motivation and a growing body of research showing how motivation can be encouraged and sustained in the workplace.

Here are three key steps your business can take to create the conditions necessary for motivation.

Clear Expectations

Setting the bar high is not motivating unless there is also clarity around expectations. If you want to keep your team motivated, everyone must be rowing toward the same destination.

Understanding "what" needs to be done and "how" employees are expected to do it is fundamental because it connects people to their purpose within the organization. Feeling that our work is meaningful and contributing to the project’s success is essential for generating and sustaining motivation. By committing to clear processes that outline ways of working together, we can allow for clarity even in the most dynamic environments.

Clarity is also about the delicate art of feedback. When team members receive regular feedback in the spirit of supporting their potential, it is far more successful in generating sustainable motivation than corrective or punitive action.

The great thing about motivation is that it also leads to internalized expectations. Motivated employees expect more from themselves, and they're more likely to be proactive about seeking feedback and more receptive to acting on it.

For more tips on giving clear feedback, read our blog.


Workplace culture is a key ingredient in the secret sauce of motivation.

A "motivating" workplace culture is:

· Supportive – culture is aspirational and achievement-oriented rather than competitive.

· Autonomous – team members have agency and the opportunity to contribute what they do best.

· Connected – team members feel a sense of affiliation with their coworkers.

· Psychologically safe – everyone on the team is treated with dignity and respect, and team members feel comfortable sharing opinions and ideas, even if they are critical or challenge the status quo.

Nothing will kill motivation faster than a poor workplace culture. Establishing a positive, encouraging, and growth-oriented environment is mission-critical for motivation.


Remember the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?

While extrinsic motivation, such as an external reward, may motivate an employee in the short term, it won't be sustainable without a greater emphasis on intrinsic motivation – the sense of feeling personally invested in the goal and that the team's success is my success too.

If you want team members to contribute at a high level, you must be equally invested in contributing to their growth. Offering coaching opportunities and having a clear internal mobility strategy lets employees know that their participation in the team will result in personal and professional gains.

Reciprocity is also about flexibility and work/life balance. Dopamine has been shown to be a key driver of motivation, and rest, nutrition, and exercise are some of the primary ways our brain

replenishes dopamine. So a well-rested and balanced employee will be far more motivated than a burnt-out one.

Consider that motivation is a two-way street. When you take care of employees, they will take care of the business.

Cenera's team of HR Consultants offers cutting-edge expertise for every Human Resources goal. With over 25 years of experience and a unique, customizable approach to HR consulting, we can help you build a great workplace with a motivated, high-performing team.

Contact us today to learn more.

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Jeff Goddard

Jeff is a strategic HR professional with over 20 years of experience helping people and their organizations learn, grown, and enhance their business effectiveness within variety of industries including financial services, energy, construction, real-estate, and information.


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