Cenera Celebrates World Gratitude Day

Cenera Celebrates World Gratitude Day

Happy World Gratitude Day! We’re living through unusual and trying times, which is why it’s perhaps more important than ever to focus on gratitude.

We asked the Cenera team to tell us one thing they are thankful for. Here’s what they had to say…

I am grateful for many, many things, including Cenera and my Cenera colleagues. However, if I had to choose just one thing, I would name having a healthy and caring immediate family in Calgary.

Within Cenera:

  • I’m grateful for Cenera’s very responsive IT team. In a virtual world, connectivity is everything. Having speedy and helpful IT support has been critical to making sure I can assist my colleagues and clients!
  • I’m grateful for the oh-so-skilled team at Cenera. I trust, without seeing, that they are each doing awesome work. With an integrated team working together, Cenera is amazing.

And looking outside: I’m grateful for all the farmers who produce the fresh produce that’s so abundant in the late summer and fall. We are blessed to have healthy choices of what we can eat!

These days I am feeling incredibly grateful for technology. I feel so fortunate to have, at my finger-tips, many choices among fast and easy tech that has allowed me to continue working at a job I love, has kept me in close communications with my amazing colleagues as we support our equally resilient and wonderful clients, and has provided a life-line to my circle of family and friends during this very long period of time when we can’t physically be together. It hasn’t been without its frustrations – more than a few sketchy connections and frozen screens – but those are small inconveniences when I know that same technology allows me to see the beautiful faces of my 90+ year old parents, hear their voices, and visit with them on the Zoom meetings set up by the very kind and caring nursing home caregivers. My heart is full.

These days I am feeling incredibly grateful for technology. I feel so fortunate to have, at my finger-tips, many choices among fast and easy tech that has allowed me to continue working at a job I love, has kept me in close communications with my amazing colleagues as we support our equally resilient and wonderful clients, and has provided a life-line to my circle of family and friends during this very long period of time when we can’t physically be together. It hasn’t been without its frustrations – more than a few sketchy connections and frozen screens – but those are small inconveniences when I know that same technology allows me to see the beautiful faces of my 90+ year old parents, hear their voices, and visit with them on the Zoom meetings set up by the very kind and caring nursing home caregivers. My heart is full.

I am grateful for Cenera – the business we have collectively built, nurture and pride ourselves on. Not only do we deliver quality solutions to our clients, but I have the honour and privilege of doing that alongside the most talented team in the city. I am reminded daily of their expertise, strength, versatility and resiliency. For them, I am eternally appreciative.

I am grateful for the relationships we have with our clients and the trust they place in us to be true partners with them. I never take for granted the ways in which our clients open their organizations to us and provide us with the opportunity to collaborate, generate solutions and help move their businesses forward.

I am grateful for my friends and family. For their continued health, for our ability to support one another through these crazy times, and the creative ways we have come up with to stay connected while being physically apart.

I am grateful for:

My family, my partner, my friends.

Our dog, our home, our neighbours.

The frontline workers who continue to provide us with all of the essentials, the city we live in and the proximity to the mountains that offer stunning scenery and fresh air, the tremendous support I get from my work friends and how kind, thoughtful and caring they are.

How I can simply wake up every morning, how my commute time to work has disappeared, how much money I am saving from not buying lunch/not paying for parking/filling up with gas less often.

Having a job that allows me to help people, having more time to myself from the flexibility of working from home, having the skills to adapt quickly to changing environments and having the resiliency to endure adversity.

Thank you, World Gratitude Day, for reminding me that I often take these things for granted so I can be more mindful and practice gratitude at least once a year.

We hope you have a fantastic World Gratitude Day at home, at work, and in your community. Now is the time to take a step back, think about what you are thankful for, and show your appreciation

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Jennifer Doiron

An experienced transition expert and trusted advisor to her clients, Jennifer Doiron is a steadying force leading organizations through restructuring initiatives and other complex workplace situations. Jennifer received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Calgary. Additionally, she is certified in a variety of psychometric assessment tools, is a Master Career Consultant, and is a member of the Career Development Association of Alberta.


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