4 Ways Professional Coaching Can Help Your Team Navigate Rapid Change
4 Ways Professional Coaching Can Help Your Team Navigate Rapid Change
As we approach almost two years of life in a global pandemic, many employees and managers are likely feeling the impacts of burnout.
Between difficult and rapid decision-making, constantly being asked to adapt to new ways of working, or needing to find solutions to a wide range of operational issues, for most of us, the skills required to do our jobs may have changed drastically.
On top of this, managers are also being asked to help their team navigate rapid change in the day-to-day anxiety and stress of health and safety concerns, caring for family members and working remotely.
While all businesses will see their leadership tested by this crisis, companies that invest in their people will likely see better outcomes for staff prepared to rise to the challenge.
Professional coaching can help leaders improve how they deal with rapid change, build internal capacity to manage stress, and develop the methodology needed to adapt to organizational change.
Let’s take a look at four ways Professional Coaching can help.
1. Test New Ideas
In business, rapid change means that the solutions that used to work may no longer be relevant. Leaders can’t rely on the status quo to get them through unprecedented challenges. A coach can act as a trusted advisor with whom your employees can test new ideas and strategies.
Professional coaches bring a valuable expert outside perspective that can help provide a framework for your employees to generate and evaluate new ideas in response to rapid change
2. Upskill for Continued Success
Professional coaches help employees build on their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses. However, the unique circumstances of the pandemic likely mean that the skills your team may have relied on in the past may no longer be enough to achieve continued success.
Providing employees with the support they need to adapt, rather than asking them to rise to challenges for which they haven’t yet developed the skills, will be a far clearer path to success.
3. Coaching Helps Leaders Coach Others
Leaders who benefit from professional coaching are much better prepared to help other team members navigate the stress and anxiety of rapid change.
Coaching builds the kind of resilience leaders need to support their staff through difficult transitions and stressful circumstances. Leaders who work with a coach can leverage the value of their coaching experience to benefit the wider team as well.
4. Improve Performance by Improving Self-Care
For managers attempting to ‘be a rock’ for their team, it can be easy to forget how essential self-care is when your focus is on caring for others.
Professional coaching can help leaders develop strategies for self-care that will be critical for avoiding burnout, maintaining a clear perspective and keeping a positive and optimistic work environment – no matter what challenges and changes come our way.
During COVID-19, workplaces have come to expect the unexpected. If your team is feeling the impacts of navigating rapid change, reach out to the expert coaches at Cenera for support.
With decades of experience coaching employees at all stages in their careers, Cenera can help your team build the skills and reliance your business needs to get through times of change and uncertainty with confidence and success.
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